Friday, May 14, 2010

What You Should Know About Green Kitchens

Green living is becoming more and more popular as consumers are constantly looking for ways in which to live more environmentally friendly. Green kitchens are a concept that not many are aware of and one that definitely deserves more notice. Making your kitchen more eco-friendly involves more than simply eating better. It involves more energy efficient ways to prepare food and clean as well as using equipment that is made from more sustainable materials. Taking care to avoid certain toxic chemicals is another point to having a greener kitchen. These steps can help you to not only protect the environment but to protect your family as well.

Energy efficient appliances are quickly becoming the norm. If you truly want your kitchen to be green, then implementing these appliances is necessary. If your refrigerator does not carry the Energy Star symbol then you could potentially be wasting energy and wasting energy equates to wasting money. By replacing your older appliances with more energy efficient ones, you can potentially save thousands of dollars over just a few years. If you are planning to replace older appliances, keep in mind that there are ways to dispose of these that are safe. Check with your local neighborhood to determine where older appliances should be taken.

John Moore Renovations is dedicated to helping Houston homeowners to enjoy green living. If you are considering a green renovation, we can help you to choose appliances, countertops, flooring and other kitchen necessities that are rated as environmentally friendly. To read more about green kitchens, visit us at


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